Monday 13 July 2009

Parks & Recreation

I just watched the first season of Parks and Recreation and I have to say I wasn't very impressed. The fact that this show was billed as a spin off to The Office put too high an expectation on this, something that it isn't able to live up to. Amy Poehler is quite annoying, I'm assuming she's aiming to do a Micheal Scott but it doesn't really come off. The other charcters don't get enough scope and we don't really know much about them. The only exception would be the Tom Haverford character who is the office slacker played brilliantly by Aziz Ansari.

The show has been renewed for a second season (why?) so they must have some big plans for this it. Hopefully the producers will keep the show down to 6 episodes rather than giving it a full season as I really want to like this programme but I'm failing to do so at the moment.

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