Tuesday 17 February 2009

How to lose friends and alienate people

I’m a big Simon Pegg fan, I loved Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz and didn’t hate Run Fat Boy Run as much as others did. For this reason I was looking forward to his latest caper, HTLFAAP (I can’t be arsed to type the whole title out every time). With a solid cast including Gillian Anderson, Megan Fox and Kisrten Dunst, I had great hopes for this flick which makes the disappointment evn harder to deal with. One word can pretty much sum up this movie – AWFUL!

Unfortunately, it really is that bad. Pegg’s character is a dick from the get go and it’s difficult to actually feel any kind of sympathy for him. The plot is wafer thin, Pegg plays a hack desperate to make it big in the world of glossy magazines and celebrities and desperate to shag the next big star Sophie Maes played by Megan Fox. Along the way he falls in love with Kirsten Dunst but by this time most of the audience were probably trying to find the exits.

Is it me or is Kirsten Dunst a bit ugly? She looks like she just got out of bed and hasn’t put any make up on. Having said that, Megan Fox is highly over-rated in the totty stakes in my opinion, she’s got some crazy eyebrows and reminds me too much of Stacey Slater from Eastenders!
HTLFAAP is rubbish, Pegg fails to impress at any level and the rest of the star studded cast do their best in a comedy that just isn’t funny. If you only ever watch one Simon Pegg movie this year, make sure it’s not this one!

1 out of 5

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