My two favourite episodes in this season came back to back and featured the troubled relationship between Micheal and Jan. Deposition (Episode 8) was hilarious thanks to Micheal cocking up the interview for Jan's lawsuit against Dunder Mifflin for unfair dismissal. But it was also pretty sad when Micheal got to hear that Jan did not rate him as a manager and that David Wallace (DM head honcho) didn't really consider him as a serious contender for Jan's old job. We also got to see how little Jan cared about Micheal when she submitted his personal diary as evidence in the lawsuit. But in between the sadder moments we got some comic gems like when Micheal drops his catchphrase 'that's what she said' during the lawsuit hearing and then tried to back track without much luck.
The following episode titled 'Dinner Party' delves deeper in to Micheal and Jan's strained relationship. This is very much apparent during the 'tour' of the house where it's obvious Jan dominates and Micheal is forced to the sidelines. In quite a sad moment, it is revealed that Micheal sleeps on a stool at the foot of the bed whilst Jan takes the whole bed because she has 'space issues' Things steadily get worse as the night goes on and Dwight invites himself dragging along his old babysitter as his date! Things eventually spill over and Jan smashes Micheal's beloved plasma TV with his beloved Dundie award!

The season finale saw the exit of a Dunder Mifflin regular Tobey as he headed off for Costa Rica, but not before he was given a rock with a note saying 'suck on this' from Micheal! Talking of Tobey, he was involved in one the most akward moments of the season when he patted Pam on the knee which turned out to be a full on grope! Tobey's replacement Holly, played by the awesome Amy Ryan (she's awesome because anyone who was on The Wire automatically becomes awesome!) clicks with Micheal despite a shaky start. The best part of Amy's debut was her interaction with Kevin who she thinks is 'special' thanks to some misinformation from Dwight!
Series 5 is shaping up to be a cracker thanks to the introduction of Holly and the fact that Jan is pregnant (even though Micheal is not the father) Plus what will become of the love triangle that is Andy - Angela - Dwight! And will Jim get to propose to Pam?
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