Just finished watching Series 4 and 5 of the Shield and I have to say they were amazing. At the start of Season 4 we find the Strike Team have split up and gone their own way and Aceveda has now moved on to the council. The new captain of Farmington, Monica Rawling comes in and puts her faith in Vic Mackey to head up her new street team. I think season 4 definitely defined two characters that I was a bit undecided on. Firstly Aceveda showed his true colours and his deal with Antoine Mitchell showed that his ambition of becoming mayor was more important than that of the death of two police officers. Meanwhile, Shane Vendrell proved him to be a prize jack ass. Shane got himself mixed up with Antoine Mitchell and had to be bailed out by Vic otherwise he would have been toast. Glen Close was absolutely brilliant in her role as Monica Rawling and the scene where she realises Aceveda and Phillips have canned her is superb.

Season 5 saw the arrival of Forest Whitaker as IAD officer Kavanagh who turns out to be one of the most hated indiviuals in the history of the Shield and that is all down to Whitakers performance. The war between Whittaker and Mackey is epic and each episode the tension is cranked up a little bit more. The final episode where Lem is killed by Shane was emotional in so many ways, you hated Shane for doing it, but you could also feel his anguish as he felt he had no choice. The Shield is only second to the Wire when it comes to cop shows. And to think, I was brought up watching the Bill!
Greatest show of all time...