Monday 8 June 2009


Being one of those people who doesn't get around to watching shows until long fater they have aired, spoilers have become a major problem. After I watch a really good episode of a TV show, I like to go on line and find a decent review of the show and see if others had the same opinion as I. It's also a good way of picking up things you may have missed the first time round.

Unfortunately, I seem to inadvertently find things out that I really shouldn't. So here's a few things I have spoiled for myself by web browsing and unwittingly clicking on links that revealed something I really didn't want to know! The spoilers in RED are the ones I have yet to see!

The Shield
Lem's death (Wikipedia)
The end of Monica Rawlings (TV Squad)
Shane kills himself and his family (TV Squad)
Julien joins the Strike Team (Wikipedia)

Cameron and Chase get together (TV without Pity)
House loses his cane (TV Squad)

Dr Zach Addy assists a serial killer (Wikipedia)
Booth & Boone share a snog (Sky One)

The Apprentice UK
Firing of Paula (Radio 5 Live)

Hell's Kitchen
Paul and Danny the final 2 (TV without Pity)

The Apprentice US
Joan Rivers in the final (possibly the winner) (TV without Pity)

The Office
Micheal Scott leaves Dunder Mifflin

I'm sure there is plenty more, so I will update this post when I can.

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