Friday, 2 October 2009

The Proposal

Sandra Bullock is hot and Ryan Reynolds was hilarious in Van Wilder so I had medicore expectations for this rom-com. How wrong I was! It was shit!

Bullock is one of those hard ass exec types who treats her staff like crap, her assistant/secretary Ryan Reynolds gets the worst of it. But it transpires that Margret (Bullock) is Canadian and her visa has expired which means she has to return to Canada and apply for a new visa or be deported. The snag is that her bosses will replace her if she has to return to Canada (bit stupid of the bosses as I'm guessing it can't be that hard for a high powered publisher to get a visa!). Margret has an idea, she pretends to be engaged to Andrew her assistant in order to solve her visa problems. Andrew wanting to further his career agrees to play along with the charade. Margaret and Andrew fly off back to Andrew's home in Sitwa, Alaska where the couple face up to his parents, grand mother and ex girlfriend.

Reasons why I didn't like the film:

1. Sandra couldn't pull off the 'bitch boss' role at all. Glen Close in The Devil Wears Prada was the perfect 'Bitch Boss' where as Sandra just came across as a bit lame.

2. I just noticed how abnormal Ryan Reynolds' forehead is!

3. The ex girlfriend was on the scene but did nothing! There was no conflict, no cat fighting, not even any bitching!

4. I just didn't buy the whole thing where they fell in love. It all seemed a little forced.

Poor film. Sandra must do better, I fear Ryan Reynolds can't do better.


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