Saturday, 24 January 2009

Lost Season 5

I've seen the first episode of the new season of Lost. I came away thinking, that was AWESOME! However, I also sat there thinking to myself "what the hell just happened?" With most epsiodes of Lost, you think you have a handle on what's happening and then they just throw the biggest spanner in the works that you can ever imagine. Take for instance the climax to Season 4, we had a group of survivors heading off in a helicopter whilst others followed in a boat, we all thought there just might be a happy ending to the series right? No, they decided that would be too simple, so Ben Linus just moved the island! WTF? Seriously?

So from the opening episode it appears that when Ben moved the island, the inhabitants of the Island are now travelling through time? The likeable nerd Daniel Farraday and Desmind could be the saviours for the Islanders this year. Meanwhile back in reality, (or so we presume) Jack and Ben are forced to team up and take the remaining Islanders who escaped the Island back there. We see Sayid break Hurley out of the mental hospital and then give some random thugs a major arse whooping (the dishwasher move was awesome!) but it looks like Hurley could be one of Americas most wanted after having his face plastered all over the TV.

There was just so much going on that I had to go over to Lostpedia and read their epsiode recap to work out what really happened! Many have criticised the show for becoming so confusing and a few of my friends have stopped watching altogether, but I'm sticking with it!

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