Friday 23 January 2009

What I'm watching...

Being here in the UK we often get US shows on at odd times on little watched sattelite channels, so sometimes a very good series could fly under the radar and we (or in this case I) are none the wiser. In fact two of my all time favourite shows The Wire and Jericho both aired here in the UK but came and went without a whimper, I only caught them later on the download.

I did some research on the net and went with a few shows that have had some good reviews. I've also tried to select shows that are still running (don't you hate it when you pick a series, immerse yourself in it and then find out it's finished?).

So here's what I'm currently watching....

30 Rock Season 1 - This one took a few episodes to get in to but Adam Baldwin's character Jack Donaghy is superb and his chemistry with Tina Fey works brilliantly. I'm up to epsiode 14 and loving it. Season 2 is already on order.

Reaper Season 1 - I started off loving this show but the monster of the week formula is a bit off putting. However Ray Wise is awesome as the Devil and it's a bonus that missy Pilgrym is hot! I watched the first 11 epsiodes and enjoyed them, but I am currently concentrating on 30 Rock so I will come back to the rest of the season at a later date.

How I Met Your Mother - If you thought Sock from Reaper was outrageous, he has nothing on Barney Stenson from HIMYM. The main crux of the show is the on/off relationship between Ted and Robyn with a great supporting cast of friends Lilly, Marshall and Barney keeping things fresh.

Bones Season 1 - This show is a tough one, whilst I like the two main characters, I'm still not in to the whole concept as yet. I've watched the first two shows and the jury is still out on this for me.

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