I have no idea where they dragged the celebs from but they were really scraping the barrel with this lot! The line up consisted of:
Nikki Ziering - Erm... still trying to work out who she is!
Tiffany - Apparently an 80's pop icon!
Frank Stallone - Famous for being the brother of Sylvester
Dennis Rodman - Surprisingly, someone who is actually famous!
Erin Murphy - Tabitha from Bewitched! That was on like a million years ago! Has she had surgery done, she's aged very well for someone who is ancient!
Dustin Diamond - Double D, famous for being Screech back in the day in Saved by the Bell, now famous for being a douche!
Trischelle Cannatella - Apparently she's a reaality star, the best looking of the girls, so she was alright with me!
Butterbean - The guy who knocked Bart Gunn out in WWF back in the day!
Todd Bridges - Wow if you thought Tabitha from Bewitched and Tiffany from the 80's was bad, they managed to drag Willis from out under some rock!
Danny Bonaduce - He's apparently a child star and a radio show host. I like to call him Danny Bona-douche bag!

The final was fought between Todd Bridges and Dennis Rodman. The crowd was always red hot for 'Rodzilla' but he seemed to wuss out of a lot of stuff in training. Todd was a high flier who seemed to have a good grasp of the more advanced moves and was generally pretty solid in the ring. He seemed to get the heel psychology down to a tee too. Some of Rodman's colleagues complained that Rodzilla worked too stiff and that he was hurting them but it didn't seem to worry the judges too much as he was crowned the first ever Celebrity Championship Wrestling Champion!
Personally I wasn't too happy with Rodman's win. Bridges was by far the better candidate and the better all round wrestler. What's worseis the fact that everyone who watched WCW back in the 90's will know that Hogan and Rodman are good friends and the two tagged together at WCW pay per view. Sounds like a fix to me!
I enjoyed this and the show has the potential for another season if they could improve their line up a little more. The show format was well done with different types of matches every week that stopped it becoming repetitive and the special guest appearances added more scope to the show. If there is a series 2 I'll probably tune in.
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