Yasmina, although very bossy and not allowing any input from her team members seemed to take control, her idea of Mediterranean food was simple and yet could be passed off as quite classy. The guys on the other hand decided to go with sarnies! Surely not the best way to impress a bunch of city slickers! Their Olympic theme also sounded a bit naff and when Rocky suggested the lads dress up in their Olympic clothes I could see a taxi with his name looming ominously.
And in true Apprentice tradition, we got our first cringeworthy pitch/presentation. This time Kate floundered and fluffed her way through a meeting where she admitted she had no clue and referring to Bruschetta as a cold canopy! Back in the car, the ever optimistic Debra moaned that they had already blown the task! Two weeks in and she's already annoying me.
Rocky's next blunder came when he set his team's price per head at £65. Philip looked like an idiot as he tried to pitch it to his customers having to eventually agree to £15 per head. Meanwhile Yasmina's cost cutting seemed to get pretty scary when she went crazy in Asda buying all the cheap stuff to keep her costs down. Man, if I was a customer at her place I'd think twice about the quality of her fare! Her skimping meant her team got humilated when they went to drop off their orders.
But if the girl's food looked bad, the guys came out with kids party food! I'm sure I saw doritos with bits of tomato on them! No wonder they made a loss!
In the boardroom Rocky got the boot even though it looked like James was gonna get it. For some reason Howard reckoned that Rocky should have stayed and one of the other 4 should have gone. I think SAS got it right by sacking the Rock!
Best line of the night came from Nick, when accused of walking around not doing a lot, Noorul tried to deny this fact, but Nick hit hime with "Well I watched you very carefully, In fact I made it my buisiness to watch you for sometime". That's scary!
Right now my favourite is probably Lorraine, she spotted that her team had over spent last week and this week she worked hard and tried to stay positive despite Debra the poison ivy giving up.
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